Gods Promise To Abraham: Eternal Covenant For The Prosperity Of His People Across Generations


  • Elys Pramudiya


Eternal Covenant, Prosperity, Generations, Divine Faithfulness


The God's Promise to Abraham: Eternal Covenant for the Prosperity of His People Across Generations explores the profound covenant established between God and Abraham, ensuring the prosperity and continuity of His people throughout generations. This covenant, characterized by divine faithfulness and unconditional love, encompasses blessings, protection, and an enduring relationship between God and Abraham's descendants. Through this covenant, God establishes a deep connection with His people, guiding them, providing for them, and promising a future filled with hope and prosperity. The study of this covenant offers insights into divine providence, the eternal nature of God's promises, and the enduring faithfulness of God to His chosen people.


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How to Cite

Elys Pramudiya. (2024). Gods Promise To Abraham: Eternal Covenant For The Prosperity Of His People Across Generations. Philosophy Global: International Journal of Christian and Catholic Philosophy, 1(1), 01–06. Retrieved from https://philosophy.ifrel.org/index.php/PhilosophyGlobal/article/view/11