Apologetic Examination Of Jehovah's Witnesses' Faith In God


  • Anissa Salsabilaa


Jehovah's Witnesses, Faith, Scriptural Interpretations, Deity of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit


The "Apologetic Examination of Jehovah's Witnesses' Faith in God" delves into the beliefs and doctrines concerning God as professed by Jehovah's Witnesses. This study critically analyzes the theological foundations, scriptural interpretations, and apologetic arguments that underpin their faith in God. It explores key aspects such as the nature of God, His attributes, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the role of the Holy Spirit as understood within the Jehovah's Witnesses' theological framework. Through a comparative and evaluative approach, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Jehovah's Witnesses' perspectives on God and to assess the theological justifications they offer for their beliefs.


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How to Cite

Anissa Salsabilaa. (2024). Apologetic Examination Of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Faith In God. Philosophy Global: International Journal of Christian and Catholic Philosophy, 1(1), 14–24. Retrieved from https://philosophy.ifrel.org/index.php/PhilosophyGlobal/article/view/13