Exploring The Significance Of Abraham's Calling In Christian Religious Education

A Contextual Understanding


  • Johanes Ferdian Arnando


God's faithfulness, critical analysis, theological reflection, spiritual growth


This study delves into the significance of Abraham's calling within the context of Christian religious education, aiming to provide a contextual understanding of its relevance and implications. The exploration begins by examining the biblical narrative of Abraham's calling as found in Genesis, highlighting key themes such as faith, obedience, and covenantal relationship with God. By situating Abraham's calling within its historical, cultural, and theological context, the study seeks to elucidate its enduring significance for Christian education.Central to the analysis is the exploration of Abraham as a model of faith and obedience, whose journey serves as a paradigm for believers' spiritual formation and growth. The study also investigates the educational principles embedded within Abraham's calling, including the importance of personal encounter with God, the transformative power of faith, and the implications of divine promises for Christian living.Furthermore, the study examines the pedagogical implications of Abraham's calling for contemporary Christian education. It considers how the narrative can be effectively utilized to teach foundational concepts of faith, discipleship, and God's faithfulness within educational settings, both formal and informal.Through critical analysis and theological reflection, this study seeks to deepen understanding of Abraham's calling as a rich resource for Christian religious education, fostering spiritual growth, and nurturing a deeper relationship with God among learners. It also aims to inspire educators to integrate biblical narratives such as Abraham's calling into their pedagogical approach, thereby enriching the educational experience and fostering a holistic understanding of Christian faith and discipleship.


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How to Cite

Johanes Ferdian Arnando. (2024). Exploring The Significance Of Abraham’s Calling In Christian Religious Education: A Contextual Understanding. Green Philosophy: International Journal of Religious Education and Philosophy, 1(1), 38–48. Retrieved from https://philosophy.ifrel.org/index.php/GreenPhilosophy/article/view/10