Enhancing Christian Religious Education: The Benefits Of Implementing Inquiry-Based Methods In PAK Schools


  • Salsabella Herliana


student engagement, interest, learning outcomes, transformative potential, educational landscape


Christian religious education plays a crucial role in imparting knowledge about the creator of heaven and earth, particularly emphasizing the redemptive mission of God who entered the world to save humanity. In Pakistan, teachers hold a significant responsibility in schools to provide students with a deep understanding of these concepts, fostering comprehension of the world around them. However, students often struggle to grasp the material presented, largely due to less effective and efficient teaching methods employed by Pakistani (PAK) teachers.To address this challenge, it is essential for PAK teachers to adopt inquiry-based methods in their teaching practices. Inquiry-based methods encourage active student participation, inviting them to think critically, analyze information, solve problems, and draw conclusions. By engaging students in the learning process, these methods have proven to offer various benefits, such as overcoming boredom, sparking students' interest in learning, and enhancing overall learning outcomes in Christian religious education.This study explores the advantages of implementing inquiry-based methods specifically within the context of Christian religious education in Pakistan's schools. It sheds light on how these methods can effectively engage students, stimulate their curiosity, and deepen their understanding of religious teachings. Through critical analysis and practical insights, this study aims to highlight the transformative potential of inquiry-based methods in enhancing Christian religious education and nurturing a vibrant learning environment in Pakistan's educational landscape.


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How to Cite

Salsabella Herliana. (2024). Enhancing Christian Religious Education: The Benefits Of Implementing Inquiry-Based Methods In PAK Schools. Green Philosophy: International Journal of Religious Education and Philosophy, 1(1), 19–28. Retrieved from https://philosophy.ifrel.org/index.php/GreenPhilosophy/article/view/8