The Impact Of Organizational Activities On The Quality Of Al-Qur'an Memorization Among STIQ Amuntai Students


  • Aqilaa Syarah


Al-Qur'an, memorization, organizational activities, STIQ Amuntai, students


This research aims to investigate the impact of organizational activities on the quality of memorizing the Al-Qur'an among STIQ Amuntai students. The research method used was a survey and interviews with students who were active in religious organization activities at the university. The data collected was then analyzed to identify the relationship between participation in organizational activities and the level of success in memorizing the Qur'an. The results of the research show that students who are active in religious organization activities tend to have better quality memorization of the Qur'an than those who are not active. Factors such as motivation, discipline and social support from the organizational environment also contribute to improving the quality of memorizing the Qur'an. The implication of this research is the importance of organizational activities in supporting the development of Al-Qur'an memorization abilities among students.


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How to Cite

Aqilaa Syarah. (2024). The Impact Of Organizational Activities On The Quality Of Al-Qur’an Memorization Among STIQ Amuntai Students. Harmony Philosophy: International Journal of Islamic Religious Studies and Sharia, 1(1), 01–07. Retrieved from