Analysis Of The Qur'an's Impact On Parents' Mental Health: A Study Of Parental Responses To Child Murders In Indonesia


  • Sakina Widaya


Qur'an, mental health, parents, child murders, Indonesia, coping mechanisms, resilience


This study examines the impact of the Qur'an on the mental health of parents in response to child murders in Indonesia during March-April 2022. The phenomenon of child murders has deeply affected parental mental well-being, prompting a closer look at how religious beliefs, particularly those derived from the Qur'an, influence coping mechanisms and psychological resilience among parents facing such traumatic events. The research methodology involves qualitative analysis, including interviews and surveys with parents who have experienced or been impacted by child murders during the specified period. By exploring the narratives and perspectives of these parents, the study aims to uncover the role of religious beliefs in shaping their emotional responses, coping strategies, and overall mental health outcomes. The findings of this study contribute to understanding the intersection of religious beliefs, trauma, and mental health outcomes, particularly in the context of tragic events such as child murders. It highlights the potential of religious teachings, including those from the Qur'an, in providing comfort, resilience, and support to parents navigating the complexities of grief and trauma.


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How to Cite

Sakina Widaya. (2024). Analysis Of The Qur’an’s Impact On Parents’ Mental Health: A Study Of Parental Responses To Child Murders In Indonesia. Harmony Philosophy: International Journal of Islamic Religious Studies and Sharia, 1(1), 16–26. Retrieved from